Prasad Chappidi, M.D., Neurologist and Headache Specialist

How Severe Are Your Headaches?

Try this easy assessment quiz.

  • Do you ever have headaches?
    Yes ____ Sometimes ____ No ____

  • Do you ever wish you could like down whey you have a headache?
    Yes ____ Sometimes ____ No ____

  • Do your headaches result in lost time at work or in usual daily activities?
    Yes ____ Sometimes ____ No ____

  • Do you sometimes feel too exhausted - because of your headaches - to manage your daily chores or even to relax and enjoy yourself?
    Yes ____ Sometimes ____ No ____

  • Would you sometimes describe yourself as being upset because of your headache pain?
    Yes ____ No ____

  • Do you take any over-the-counter medications for your headaches?
    Yes ____ No ____

If you answered "yes" to one or more of the above questions, you may wish to call Dr. Chappidi's Comprehensive Headache Treatment Center at 773.205.9800 for additional information or for an appointment.

Center for Neurological Disorders

Prasad Chappidi, M.D.

Office Location

Resurrection Professional Building
7447 West Talcott, Suite 523
Chicago, IL 60631
Tel: 773.775.2323
Fax: 773.775.2343
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